Saturday, March 15

Author: Justin

NASA Confirms 2023 Climate Was Warmest Year on Record
Climate Change

NASA Confirms 2023 Climate Was Warmest Year on Record

According to an Analysis by NASA, earth's surface temperature in the 2023 Climate was the warmest year on record. Global temperatures last year were around 2.1 degrees above average.NASA is comparing this data to a period between 1951-1980, which was recorded by scientists from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.“NASA and NOAA’s global temperature report confirms what billions of people around the world experienced last year; we are facing a climate crisis. From extreme heat, to wildfires, to rising sea levels, we can see our Earth is changing. There’s still more work to be done, but President Biden and communities across America are taking more action than ever to reduce climate risks and help communities." NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.In 2023, millions of people ar...
Peregrine One Mission Lander Mission Experiences A Failure
NASA, Moon

Peregrine One Mission Lander Mission Experiences A Failure

On Monday, NASA tried to send the Peregrine Mission One Lander to the moon. After leaving Earth, the mission experienced some issues. According to NASA, there was a failure within the propulsion system that caused a critical loss of propellant.The idea behind this mission was to send five payloads to the moon, aboard Astrobiotic's Peregrine Lander. The payloads will aim to locate water molecules on the moon, measure radiation and gasses, and evaluate the lunar exosphere.Because of this failure, NASA will be abandoning the Peregrine One. It will become space debris. However, a second lander is scheduled to launch in February.Another moon mission, Artemis II, plans to send astronauts to the moon in 2026.Image Source: Astrobotic
Scientists Find Strange Big Ring Structure In Space
Space Odities

Scientists Find Strange Big Ring Structure In Space

Scientists have found a strange ring in space, and they are calling it the ' Big Ring '. It's about 1.3 billion light years in size, and it's made up of galaxies and galaxy structures.However, these types of things shouldn't exist. According to the cosmological principle, some of the universe should be similar with no irregularities.Neither of these two ultra-large structures is easy to explain in our current understanding of the universe. UCLan PhD student Alexia LopezAstronomers are trying to find a way to explain why these things exist. According to Alexia, one possibility is that the Big Ring could be related to Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs). These come from oscillations in the early universe, and could possibly appear as spherical shells in the arrangement of ga...
Arp 122 Is Two Different Galaxies Getting Ready To Collide

Arp 122 Is Two Different Galaxies Getting Ready To Collide

The photo above is a galaxy known as Arp 122, which shows two different galaxies getting ready to collide. The two galaxies are NGC 6040, as well as LEDA 59642.According to NASA, this encounter is happening about 570 million light-years from earth. On the bottom right of the image is the elliptical galaxy NGC 6041, a part of the galaxy cluster than Arp 122 resides in. However, this isn't part of the merger we can see in the right part of the image.These galaxy collisions are very dramatic, but they take awhile. Our own milky way will eventually collide with the Andromeda Galaxy, which will happen about 4 billion years from now.The same idea goes for Arp 11 - we won't exactly know when it will collide, but it will definitely be a very long time from now.Image Source: ESA/H...
China’s Gravity-1 Rocket Finally Launches Into Space

China’s Gravity-1 Rocket Finally Launches Into Space

China's Gravity-1 space vehicle finally launched into space. At 12:30 AM EST, the rocket lifted off a stationed ship in the Yellow Sea.When Gravity-1 reached space, it deployed it's payloads. These were three Yunyao-1 commercial satellites. According to Orienspace, the mission was a success.The rocket can carry a lot of weight, about 13,300 pounds to be exact. While that seems like a lot, the company isn't done yet. They are working on developing Gravity-2, which will feature a liquid-fueled core stage and rocket boosters. According to OrienSpace, that will launch sometime in 2025.This marks the fourth mission for China in 2024. Interested when more launches happen? View our space calendar.Image Source: Xinhua
NASA’s PACE Satellite Will Help Research The Climate
NASA, Climate Change

NASA’s PACE Satellite Will Help Research The Climate

Next month, NASA will launch a three-year mission to study Earth's atmosphere and oceans from space using the PACE Satellite.PACE Stands for Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud and Ocean Satellite. It's scheduled to launch as soon as February 6, and will help gather data to help fight air pollution and climate change.“The ocean and atmosphere interact in ways that need ongoing research to fully understand. With PACE, we’ll open our eyes to many new aspects of climate change.” Jeremy Werdell, project scientist for the PACE missionAccording to NASA, Climate Change's impact on the ocean is leading to sea levels rising, as well as marine heat haves to a loss of biodiversity.One thing PACE will help NASA do is view Phytoplankton. These are microscopic organisms that float near the water's...
The NISAR Satellite will Monitor Earth’s Changing Frozen Regions

The NISAR Satellite will Monitor Earth’s Changing Frozen Regions

NISAR, a satellite being developed between NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization, will launch soon. The satellite will measure some of the Earth's key vital signs, such as health of wetlands. In addition to that, it will also measure ground deformation by val cones to the dynamics of land and sea ice.NISAR stands for NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar, which will provide the most comprehensive picture to date of motion and deformation of frozen surfaces.“Our planet has the thermostat set on high, and Earth’s ice is responding by speeding up its motion and melting faster. We need to better understand the processes at play, and NISAR will provide measurements to do that.” Alex Gardner, a glaciologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.'The satel...
Astronomers Find Exoplanet HD 63433 D With Lava Hemisphere
NASA, Discoveries

Astronomers Find Exoplanet HD 63433 D With Lava Hemisphere

Astronomers have found another planet, which they are calling HD 63433 D. The planet is tidally locked, meaning there is a dayside which always faces its star and a side in constant darkness.This exoplanet is outside our solar system, and orbits around the star called HD 63433 (TOI 1726) in the HD 63433 system. Astronomers believe the exoplanet is younger than 500 million years old, which makes it the closets discovered earth-sized planet this young.The Astronomers analyzed this system using data from NASA's TESS Satellite, which spots planets when they cross in front of the star they orbit. The planet very close to the size of the Earth, with a diameter of 1.1 times the size of us. It's also orbiting a star that's similar to the size of our Sun. HD 63433 D orbits it's star much c...
NASA’s X-59 Supersonic Aircraft Will Be Revealed This Friday
NASA, Lockheed Martin

NASA’s X-59 Supersonic Aircraft Will Be Revealed This Friday

NASA's X-59 Supersonic Aircraft will be revealed this Friday, January 12 at 4PM. The reveal will happen with both NASA and prime contractor Lockheed Martin, on NASA TV.The event will be broadcasted from the Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works facility, in Palmdale, California - where the aircraft was made.“This is the big reveal. The rollout is a huge milestone toward achieving the overarching goal of the Quesst mission to quiet the sonic boom.” Catherine Bahm, Manager of NASA’s Low Boom Flight DemonstratorThe X-59 Supersonic Aircraft will take part in the Quesst mission, where it will demonstrate is quiet supersonic abilities. NASA will fly the aircraft over some USA communities, and will survey what people heard on the ground. The agency will then share data with regulators, who c...
The Furthest Known Fast Radio Burst Is Home To Seven Galaxies

The Furthest Known Fast Radio Burst Is Home To Seven Galaxies

Using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have found a fast radio burst. What's weird about this is they found it erupted halfway across the universe, making it the farthest and most powerful ever detected.The fast radio burst (FRB) also got even weirder based on the follow up Hubble observations. The FRB flashed in what seems like a strange place: a collection of galaxies that existed when the universe was only 5 billion years old. Normally, astronomers find these in isolated galaxies.The FRB is being called FRB 20220610A, and it was first detected by the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope. After that, the European Southern Obsevatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile confirmed it came from a distant place.The images taken by Hubble sugge...