Friday, March 14

Author: Justin

We Could See More Northern Lights In Two Weeks
Space Events

We Could See More Northern Lights In Two Weeks

If you didn't get the opportunity to view the Northern Lights recently, it looks like you might get another chance soon.In two weeks, the sunspot cluster that sent energy towards the Earth will rotate back towards us once again. According to scientists, this will probably generate more solar explosions, leading to more Northern Lights.All of this activity is thanks to the current solar cycle, which is close to reaching solar maximum.When the last Northern Lights happened, it was given a G5 rating - which is the highest rating. The lights were visible all across the Earth, and we can probably expect it to happen again soon.
NASA Is The “Best Place To Work in Government” Once Again

NASA Is The “Best Place To Work in Government” Once Again

On Thursday, NASA was named the "2023 Best Place To Work in the Federal Government" for the 12th year in a row.“Once again, NASA has shown that with the world’s finest workforce, we can reach the stars. Through space exploration, advances in aviation, groundbreaking science, new technologies, and more, the team of wizards at NASA do what is hard to achieve what is great. That’s the pioneer spirit that makes NASA the best place to work in the federal government. With this ingenuity and passion, we will continue to innovate for the benefit of all and inspire the world.” NASA Administrator Bill NelsonIn 2023, NASA explored new frontiers, including shattering a record for longest astronaut spaceflight. They also announced the Artemis II crew, launched the Deep Space Optical Communica...
Hubble Telescope Snaps Stunning Photo of NGC 4753

Hubble Telescope Snaps Stunning Photo of NGC 4753

Hubble keeps on delivering amazing images of the cosmos. This time, we have a stellar view of the galaxy known as NGC 4753.Located about 60 million light years from earth, NGC 4753 is in the constellation Virgo. Astronomers believe the galaxy is a result of a merger with a nearby dwarf galaxy. The dust lines, which you can see in the photo, are a result of the merging.Astronomers also believe that most of the mass in the galaxy is in a flattened spherical halo of dark matter. We also know of two known supernovae located in the galaxy.Image Credit: ESA/Hubble
Scientists Discover WASP-193 b, a Cotton Candy Exoplanet

Scientists Discover WASP-193 b, a Cotton Candy Exoplanet

Astronomers have discovered another planet, which is being called WASP-193 b. It's located about 1,200 light years from Earth.WASP-193 b is 1.5 times the width of Jupiter, but only has a tenth of the planet's mass. This makes it the second lightest exoplanet we know off so far.It also orbits its star at a distance of 6.3 million times, meaning it completes an orbit in about 6.2 days. Astronomers are calling it very light, mainly because it's made of hydrogen and helium. The atmosphere is also supper "puffy", which is probably caused by the planet being bombarded by radiation from a nearby star.Image Source: K. Ivanov
Sun releases it’s strongest solar flare in its current solar cycle

Sun releases it’s strongest solar flare in its current solar cycle

The sun seems to be doing some crazy things. After giving us the treat of the Aurora Borealis this past weekend, it has also released it's strongest solar flare in it's current solar cycle.Every solar flare has an intensity rating, and NASA is giving this one an X8.7. This is the strongest solar flare so far, and It came from the same area that triggered our latest geomagnetic storm.If you aren't aware of what a solar cycle is, it's a 11-year magnetic period that happens on the sun. The magnetic field completely flips, changing both the north and south poles. Because of this, solar activity changes.We are currently in the solar maximum, where the sun has the most sunspots. This means we could see even more intense solar flares as it's cycle ends.Just remember, Aurora Borea...
Summer 2023 Temperatures Were The Worst In 2000 Years
Climate Change

Summer 2023 Temperatures Were The Worst In 2000 Years

If people don't think the Earth is heating, they should feel the temperature. According to scientists, summer 2023 was the warmest year in over 2000 years.The data shows that land temperatures were about 3.76 degrees Fahrenheit higher, between the averages between 1850 and 1900. To find this information, researchers combined measurements from thousands of meteorological stations. They then analyzed the June through August surface temperature across the Northern Hemisphere.They also spent months taking samples to compare tree ring reconstruction with nine of the longest temperature-sensitive tree chronologies. Scientists said that these rings are the only way to provide annual temperature reconstructions.To make changes to our atmosphere, we must start acting now. We need to st...
We Are Looking To Expand With Volunteers
Website Updates

We Are Looking To Expand With Volunteers

Hello, fellow space enthusiast. We are JustSpaceThings, a small group of Volunteers who post news and events regarding everything space and science.We are looking to expand our universe, and you could possibly help. Some positions we are looking to fill include the following:Volunteer Writer / EditorWe are looking for talented individuals who are interested in space. It's a major plus when you enjoy what we do. You don't have to have experience with WordPress, but decent skills in writing English is a must.Volunteer Events EditorWe are looking for someone to help update our vast database of upcoming space events. Our event calendar includes everything from rocket launches and meteor showers. Once again. we can train you but experience with WordPress and Writing is a pl...
David Salvagnini Is NASA’s First Artificial Intelligence Officer

David Salvagnini Is NASA’s First Artificial Intelligence Officer

On Monday, NASA hired their first chief artificial intelligence officer. The role was given to David Salvagnini, who was already the chief data officer.“Artificial intelligence has been safely used at NASA for decades, and as this technology expands, it can accelerate the pace of discovery. It’s important that we remain at the forefront of advancement and responsible use. In this new role, David will lead NASA’s efforts to guide our agency’s responsible use of AI in the cosmos and on Earth to benefit all humanity.” NASA Administrator Bill NelsonThe action was taken in accordance with President Biden's Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. David Salvagnini is now responsible for planning AI usage across NASA. He will su...
NASA’s DC-8 Aircraft Is Retiring At Idaho State University

NASA’s DC-8 Aircraft Is Retiring At Idaho State University

After 37 years of flight, NASA is getting ready to retire it's DC-8 aircraft. Before that, it will do one last flight from NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California to Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho.During its flight, its expected to fly at low altitude over San Jose and surrounding areas. This means what residents can expect to see and hear the plane. When it arrives at the University, the DC-8 will be used to train future aircraft technicians.If you are interested in checking it out, NASA expects the flyover to happen between 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM.
NASA Wants to Build a Railway System on the Moon

NASA Wants to Build a Railway System on the Moon

We never thought we would see a railway system on the moon, but it looks like NASA is planning on doing just that.“We want to build the first lunar railway system, which will provide reliable, autonomous, and efficient payload transport on the Moon,” Ethan Schaler, NASA's Jet Propulsion LaboratoryNASA is calling it "FLOAT", or "Flexible Levitation on a Track". The railway system will allow payloads to be transported between outposts and other areas on the moon.The entire system will operate autonomously, which means little human interaction is required. The proposed railway could possibly carry 110 tons in weight, using magnetically polarized robots.As of now, this is only an Idea. This may happen someday, but only time will tell.Image Credit: NASA / Ethan Schaler