Friday, March 14

Author: Justin

Chandra Telescope Spots Exhaust Vent in Sagittarius A
Space Odities

Chandra Telescope Spots Exhaust Vent in Sagittarius A

NASA's Chandra X-Ray space telescope has discovered a exhaust vent in a supermassive black hole in our own milky way.The black hole is Sagittarius A, which is about 14.6 million miles across. It's also 26,000 light years away from us, making us pretty safe from being devoured.The vent which was discovered in linked to a chimney formation in the Milky Way's disk. It's funneling hot gas away from the black hole. It's also located about 700 light-years away from the regions center.
Solar Storm Could Make Northern Lights Visible
Space Events

Solar Storm Could Make Northern Lights Visible

Earth is expected to get hit with a geomagnetic storm this weekend, which could make the Northern Lights visible. The lights could be visible as far south as Alabama and Northern California.The activity is so powerful that NOAA issued a storm watch on Thursday, for the first time in 19 years.“What we’re expecting over the next couple of days should be more significant than what we’ve seen certainly so far,” Mike Bettwy, operations chief at NOAAThe Northern Lights are expected to affect critical infrastructure on our planet, as well as satellites orbiting us. Other possible events could be blackouts, so keep batteries and flashlights ready.The classification for this solar storm is a G4, which is considered severe. If you get yourself some decent photos, feel free to sen...
NASA Captures Stunning Image of Horsehead Nebula

NASA Captures Stunning Image of Horsehead Nebula

NASA has recently announced the James Webb Telescope captured the sharpest images to date of the Horsehead Nebula.Located 1,300 light years away, the Horsehead Nebula is located in the constellation Orion. The nebula formed from a collapsing cloud of material, and it glows thanks to a nearby hot star. From the images we can see, the gas clouds surrounding it have dissipated.Astronomers estimate the Nebula has about 5 million more years to shine.Image Source: NASA
NASA Will Explore Titan With Its Dragonfly Rotorcraft Lander

NASA Will Explore Titan With Its Dragonfly Rotorcraft Lander

NASA is looking to explore Saturn's moon Titan in future, using its Dragonfly Rotorcraft Lander. It will launch in July 2028, and will explore Titan's environment.“Dragonfly is a spectacular science mission with broad community interest, and we are excited to take the next steps on this mission. Exploring Titan will push the boundaries of what we can do with rotorcraft outside of Earth.” Nicky Fox, Associate Administrator, Science Mission Directorate at NASA HQ in WashingtonAccording to NASA, Dragonfly has a cost of about $3.35 billion and will arrive at the moon sometime in 2034. It will look for prebiotic chemical processes common on both Titan, and our own planet.This will also mark the first time NASA will fly a vehicle for science on another planet.Image Source: NASA/...
NASA Welcomes Switzerland to the Artemis Accords

NASA Welcomes Switzerland to the Artemis Accords

On Monday, NASA has welcomed Switzerland the Artemis Accords. The Accords were established by NASA in 2020, which state what countries can and cannot do in space.The Accords were signed at 11:30 am, on behalf of Guy Parmelin. He is the Swiss Federal Councilor and Minister for Economic Affairs. Other participants included:Valda Vikmanis-Keller, the acting deputy assistant secretary for the Department of StateMartina Hirayama, state secretary and the Head of State Secretariat for Education, Research, and InnovationJacques Pitteloud, the Swiss Ambassador to the U.S.AEurpoean Space Agency astronaut Marco SieberRenato Krpoun, Head of Swiss Space OfficeProfessor Peter Wurz, Director Space and Planetary Sciences, from University of BernNASA Administrator Bill Nel...
NASA’s Chandra Telescope Could Be Retired Soon

NASA’s Chandra Telescope Could Be Retired Soon

NASA has many telescopes, and its Chandra X-Ray Observatory is one of them. The telescope has been recording X-rays since the 1990s, and has helped us understand the universe.However, it looks like the telescope could be retired sometime soon. The president has recently sliced the NASA budget by 12%, which would make it hard to keep the telescope running. Normally, the telescope needs about $70 million every year. According to astronomers, this budget cut would leave the project in the dust.In the past, the Chandra X-Ray telescope has helped us discover more about dark matter, as well as offering knowledge about supermassive black holes. Without the telescope, NASA will certainly be more limited than usual.Source: USATODAY (Image: NASA)
Hubble Space Telescope Captures Photo of LEDA 42160 Galaxy
NASA, Hubble

Hubble Space Telescope Captures Photo of LEDA 42160 Galaxy

NASA has released a photo of the LEDA 42160 Galaxy, which has been taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The photo above is the galaxy, which is about 52 million light years from us. It's a dwarf galaxy, which is forcing its way through dense gas in the Virgo cluster.The data used to create this image of LEDA 42160 is part of a ongoing project, which studies dwarf galaxies undergoing ram pressure. According to NASA, studies show that ram pressure stripping can cause new stars to form in larger galaxies. On the photo, we can see this in the bright spots on the lower-right.Image Source: ESA/Hubble & NASA, M. Sun
Our Guide On How To See the April Total Solar Eclipse

Our Guide On How To See the April Total Solar Eclipse

April is getting even closer, which means the total solar eclipse is right around the corner. For those who don't know abut a total solar eclipse, we have a guide for you.The eclipse will happen on April 8. It will be visible from Mexico, Canada, and the United States. If you don't know what this event is, it happens when the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth completely blocking out the sun. During this event, the sky will darken.However, you can't just go out and watch one of these events with your bare eyes. You will need to wear specialized solar eclipse glasses. Most stores are carrying these, and you can find them on Amazon as well.If you wish to take photos, you will want to get a filter. If you are using a smartphone, you can get smartphone filters. For those w...
Astronomers Will Soon Study Auroras on Uranus and Saturn

Astronomers Will Soon Study Auroras on Uranus and Saturn

Using the James Webb Telescope, astronomers will soon study Auroras on both Uranus and Saturn. The teams of astronomers are at the University of Leicester.With the telescope, the astronomers hope to take a better look at both of the planets. The auroras on Uranus were discovered last year, thanks to a team at the University of Leicester School of Physics and Astronomy.The study will happen in early 2025, which will capture images of Uranus over a single Uranus day, which lasts 17 hours.The Saturn project will be led by Boston University Center for Space Physics, and it will observe the gas giant's northern aurora region for 10.6 hours.Image Credit: NASA/Hubble
Pentagon Says There Is No Evidence of Aliens Visiting Earth

Pentagon Says There Is No Evidence of Aliens Visiting Earth

For some reason, people are obsessed with the idea of aliens visiting Earth. If it happened, would it be like the movie Independence Day, or will they come to teach us?It looks like aliens haven't visited earth yet, according to the pentagon. A lengthy report of U.S. government activities found no evidence that aliens have visited earth. They also confirmed that authorities are not hiding advanced alien technology.The review was published Friday, and dated events as far back as 1945. They also found that most UAPs end up being ordinary objects which have been misidentified.Of course, this report won't stop die-hard conspiracy theorists from believing. After all, what really happens at Area 51? They certainly wont tell us.