Thursday, March 13

Author: Justin

Voyager 2 Mission Extended Thanks To Power Hack

Voyager 2 Mission Extended Thanks To Power Hack

In 1977, NASA launched the Voyager 2 space probe to help us study the cosmos. Since then, the Voyager 2 has traversed more than 12 million miles away from the earth. All of that travel has happened in only 45 years, which is astonishing to think about.What's even cooler is NASA is now expanding the Voyager 2 mission. Thanks to a adjustment in the instruments, NASA expects the space probe to stay active until at 2026. This adjustment came after the team looked at a safety mechanism, which protects instruments if voltage changes too much. In case this happens, the Voyager is equipped with a voltage regulator which triggers a backup when this happens. In short, the spacecraft will start using that power to extend it's mission. Interested in seeing where the spacecraft is? Checkout this ...
China Is Starting To Make Plans For a China Moon Base
CNSA, Moon

China Is Starting To Make Plans For a China Moon Base

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) has started making plan for creating the International Lunar Research Station, which will be a base on the moon.The project is already in the works, and is expected to be finished by 2050. However, it looks like "basic version" of the base will be completed by 2028. The basic version will be built over the course of seven launch missions - these include the Chang'e missions, as well as three international missions.The Chang'e missions will focus on exploring the moon, as well as gathering samples and data. Other missions such as ILRS 1-5 will help build the full version of the base between the years 2030 and 2040.According to Wu Weiren, Chief Designer of the country's lunar program, building this large-scale base beyond earth will help...
Webb Space Telescope finds galactic protocluster in early universe

Webb Space Telescope finds galactic protocluster in early universe

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which was launched into space in 2021, has found seven galaxies which make up a massive cluster in it's early stages of evolution.Researchers believe the galaxies formed around 650 million years after the big bang, which is also called the "Redshift 7.9". According to the data they collected, this cluster will most likely grow in size. It's expected to be resemble the Coma Cluster, which is one of the largest galaxies in the universe.“This is a very special, unique site of accelerated galaxy evolution, and Webb gave us the unprecedented ability to measure the velocities of these seven galaxies and confidently confirm that they are bound together in a protocluster,” Takahiro Morrishita, WebbTelescope.orgThe team also determined the galax...
NASA And It’s Partners Extend Space Station Operations

NASA And It’s Partners Extend Space Station Operations

For what seems like forever, humans have been going to the International Space Station. Launched back in 1998, the ISS is our only space station in orbit. We share it with four other countries at the moment: Russia, Japan, Canada, and Europe. For the last 22 years, we have been using the ISS as our window to space.It looks like we will continue to go to the ISS - NASA and it's partners have agreed to extend operations aboard the station.“The International Space Station is an incredible partnership with a common goal to advance science and exploration,” said Robyn Gatens, director of the International Space Station Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “Extending our time aboard this amazing platform allows us to reap the benefits of more than two decades of experiments and...
Coverage of U.S. SpaceWalk 86

Coverage of U.S. SpaceWalk 86

 Coverage of Spacewalk 86 at the ISS to prepare cables for future ISS rollout solar array installations, as well as retrieving S-band communications equipment from the ISS.This event has ended.
After James Webb: What’s Next?

After James Webb: What’s Next?

In 2021, NASA revealed the world's largest telescope to date - the James Webb telescope. Since then, it's power has astounded us all - to the famous image of the Pillars of Creaton, or images captured of exoplanets, it has helped us explore the deepest parts of space. But after all of this, what could NASA possibly have in store next? Well, it turns out NASA already has plans.The next telescope to launch is called the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope, which will help us understand dark energy, exoplanets, and infrared astrophysics.The telescope will use a primary mirror which is 7.9 feet in diameter. It will also have two instruments that help operate it, the Wide Field Instrument, and the Coronagraph instrument. The Wide Field Instrument will have a field of view 100 times grater ...
NASA Sets Coverage for Two Spacewalks Outside Space Station

NASA Sets Coverage for Two Spacewalks Outside Space Station

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it t...