Lambda-Sculptorids Meteor Shower Will Happen This Tuesday
A new meteor shower is going to happen on Tuesday, December 12th. Scientists are calling it "Lambda-Sculptorids", and the meteors are coming from the Comet 46P/Wirtanen. The comet was discovered in 1948, and orbits the sun every 5.4 years.Since meteor showers tend to happen once a year, scientists were very confused why we haven't noticed them. Upon researching the topic, they discovered that the comet has brought meteors here before. However, the low-velocity entry speed could have prevented the meteor shower from happening.The Comet 46P/Wirtanen made its closest approach to earth on December 16, 2018, when it passed over 7 million miles from our planet.When this happened, NASA captured the image you see above in the Taurus constellation. Even though it was really close to Earth,...