Wednesday, March 5

What’s Happening

Space Events This December You Should See
What's Happening

Space Events This December You Should See

Sometimes, interesting things happen in space. Whether it's meteor showers or a solar eclipse, we got you covered. Here's what you might be interested in.December 6 - Peak of Cassiopeid ShowersThese meteor showers might not be as well known, but they are still something you might be interested in. On the morning of December 6th, head out and look in the constellation of Cassiopeid. It's not the greatest show, but you can still see a few meteors per hour.December 7 - Peak of Piuppid-Velid ShowerThere are always meteor showers going on. On the night of December 7th, you can spot a few meteors per hour. Once again, this isn't one of the major showers.December 14 - Geminid Meteor Shower PeakNow here we go with one of the best meteor showers all year. Between December 1...