Sunday, March 9


Scientists Discover WASP-193 b, a Cotton Candy Exoplanet

Scientists Discover WASP-193 b, a Cotton Candy Exoplanet

Astronomers have discovered another planet, which is being called WASP-193 b. It's located about 1,200 light years from Earth.WASP-193 b is 1.5 times the width of Jupiter, but only has a tenth of the planet's mass. This makes it the second lightest exoplanet we know off so far.It also orbits its star at a distance of 6.3 million times, meaning it completes an orbit in about 6.2 days. Astronomers are calling it very light, mainly because it's made of hydrogen and helium. The atmosphere is also supper "puffy", which is probably caused by the planet being bombarded by radiation from a nearby star.Image Source: K. Ivanov
NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Will Pass Close To Io Soon
NASA, Planets

NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Will Pass Close To Io Soon

NASA's Juno Spacecraft is currently in orbit around Jupiter, and is projected to make a flyby of one of the planet's moons.This Saturday, Juno will come within 1,000 miles close to Io, which will be the first time NASA has had a spacecraft this close to the moon. When the craft comes close to Jupiter's moon, Scientists are hoping to study Io's Volcanoes.“By combining data from this flyby with our previous observations. We are looking for how often they erupt, how bright and hot they are, how the shape of the lava flow changes, and how Io’s activity is connected to the flow of charged particles in Jupiter’s magnetosphere.” Juno’s principal investigator, Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, TexasNASA is already scheduling another flyby of the moon, ...
NASA Took An Amazing Photo Of Uranus
NASA, Planets

NASA Took An Amazing Photo Of Uranus

NASA's James Webb Telescope recently set its sights towards Uranus, and captured a photo of the ringed planet. In the photo, we can see the inner and outer rings of the planet, as well as the Zeta ring. This is the faint and diffusive ring closest to the planet. The telescope also imaged some of the planet's moons.Sporting a total of 27 moons, Uranus is a world filled with features such as bright storms. In the photo, several bright storms can be seen near and below the southern border of the polar cap. The storms might be due to a combination of seasonal and meteorological effects.The polar cap appears to be more visible when the planet's pole begins to pint toward the sun. Uranus reaches its next solstice in 2028, and astronomers are looking forward to the event. Since the planet...
Interesting Facts About Jupiter You Might Not Know

Interesting Facts About Jupiter You Might Not Know

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, has long captivated our imagination with its immense size and awe-inspiring features. As one of the gas giants, Jupiter holds many secrets that continue to intrigue astronomers and space enthusiasts alike. While some aspects of Jupiter are well-known, there are other fascinating facts that often go unnoticed. In this article, we delve into some interesting information about my favorite planet.Jupiter's Ongoing StormThe great red spot has been raging for what seems like eternity. First recorded in 1851, the storm is over 10,000 miles wide. What's even more astonishing is wind speeds in this storm are clocked in at about 250 mph.Gas GiantJupiter is not like Earth. It's a gas giant planet, which means it doesn't have an actual s...
Enceladus, Saturn’s Moon, Contains Phosphorus.
NASA, Planets

Enceladus, Saturn’s Moon, Contains Phosphorus.

Scientists have made an exciting discovery about Enceladus, a small moon of Saturn. They found phosphorus, an important element for life, in icy grains that are emitted from the moon. These grains contain a variety of minerals and organic compounds associated with life, including the ingredients for amino acids.Enceladus has a subsurface ocean, and water from this ocean erupts through cracks in the moon's icy crust, creating geysers at its south pole. These geysers release a plume of particles into space, which eventually contribute to Saturn's E ring.During NASA's Cassini mission, which explored Saturn from 2004 to 2017, the spacecraft flew through the plume and E ring multiple times. Scientists discovered that Enceladus' ice grains contain significant amounts of phosphorus salts....
Astronomers Found New Earth Sized Planet Called LP 791-18 D
Discoveries, Planets

Astronomers Found New Earth Sized Planet Called LP 791-18 D

Another earth-sized exoplanet has been found beyond our solar system, and astronomers are calling in LP 791-18 D.The planet is most likely covered with volcanoes, but also has the possibility to support life. What a strange combination. It also seems to be a bit like Jupiter's Moon IO - it could have volcanic outbursts just like it.The planet was found with ground-based observations made by the Center for Astrophysics at Harvard & Smithsonian. They used a combination of space and ground-based observations, and used data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, as well as the Spitzer pace Telescope. To find the mass of the planet, the team measured tiny differences in the time it takes the planet to orbit it's host star from one orbit to the next one.LP 791-18 D ...