Monday, March 10

‘ Warm Jupiter ‘ Exoplanet Was Found 300 Light Years Away

Another exoplanet has been found, which is similar to a warm Jupiter type planet. What makes the discovery interesting this time is it was found by amateur astronomers.

Amateur astronomers usually use the average telescope, something anyone can get their hands on. This new exoplanet was found by a group of citizen scientists, and is officially named TIC 393818343 b. It was then confirmed by both the UNISTELLAR Network, and NASA’s Exoplanet Watch.

It lies 300 light-years away from us, and is part of a new class of exoplanets called “Warm Jupiters”. It seems this planet orbits very close to its star, meaning it will eventually turn into a “hot” jupiter-like planet.

This just shows that anyone can have a serious passion for space. Interesting things are being found all the time, like the dwarf galaxy UGC 4879.