In it’s first mission in 2024, NASA will send five payloads to the moon aboard it’s Astrobotic’s Peregrine Lander. The launch will happen under the agencies Commercial Lunar Payload Services this Monday.
The payloads aboard Peregrine One will aim to locate water molecules on the moon, measure radiation and gasses, and evaluate the lunar atmosphere. The measurements will help NASA understand how solar radiation interacts with the lunar surface. Alongside this, the payloads will also provide data to NASA’s Lunar-VISE instrument suite, which is slated to land on the Gruithuisen Domes in 2026.
“We are so excited to see this vision become a reality. CLPS is an innovative way of leveraging American companies to send important science and technology payloads to the Moon. The Moon is a rich destination for scientific discovery. Studying and sampling the lunar environment will help NASA unravel some of the greatest mysteries of our solar system for the benefit of all.”
Nicola Fox, Associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington
The Peregrine Lander is targeted to land February 23rd at Sinus Viscositatis, a lunar feature outside of the hardened lava Gruithuisen Domes on the near side of the Moon.
Image Source: NASA/GSFC/ Arizona State University